February 18, 2021

Nanox is faking it and stealing

Nanox posted a promotional video today titled "NanoxCLOUD Demo Flow" and then removed it (after some comments on it emerged).  It appears Nanox stole some sample CT images made 15 years ago from a French DICOM viewer vendor and used them to make the video, in violation of the owner's terms of use which prohibit commercial use.  A snapshot from this video has previously appeared in Nanox investor presentations, but the resolution was too low to make any conclusions. 

Here are two shapshots of interest (red ovals for the fun stuff).

Update February 19, 2021:  Note that the findings in the diagnostic report, obtained with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), mention "T2 hyperintense white matter lesions," which is mAgIc, since it is impossible to see such lesions in an x-ray or CT scan (white matter hyperintensities are lesions in the brain that show up in an MRI scan as areas of increased brightness when visualized by T2-weighted magnetic resonance, I am told, see also)

Update February 23, 2021:  Nanox is apparently telling people that this video was not supposed to be published.  Unfortunately, Nanox has already shown the stolen images in the past.  Here is Slide 33 from Nanox September 2020 presentation to investors.  What do you see in the lower right corner?  Stolen images.


  1. Hey Bro,

    What you said here is true. They steal Zebra and MDWED in order to achieve their plans as the picture you show us here. I don't know if Zebra and MDWEB are parts of frauds as well???

    1. Nanox did not steal Zebra and MDWED. It issued shares and paid cash to buddies for money-losing companies with no prospects, that is, companies that are worth zero.
