So, Nanox is showing a pelvis scan in its infomercial. Things go well, until this happens at 13m:02s into the video.
This is not an isolated phenomenon. At about 13m:33s into the video, the pelvis shapeshifts into a hand. The feet of the creature, alleged to be carrying a camera, move next to the patient table. It is also revealed that the scout scan was never shown (a low-dose scout scan is often performed in real equipment making real scans to adjust the protocol for best image).
Conclusion: Nanox.ARC is fake and did not make even the poor-quality tomosynthesis images shown by Nanox. It is a mystery how those images were generated (and whether they were done manually or involved a robotic hand). However, evidence suggests that it is possible that Nanox has discovered shapeshifters in our midst (luckily, no longer living).
well an alternative solution is that nanox have captured a bigfoot, which you may know has well-known shapeshifting abilities...sort of like a hard-to-catch con-man in that respect.