Just looking at history is often enough to reveal a fraud. Here is what Nanox predecessor (current CEO was CSO then) claimed about the prospects of its "technology" more than five years ago. Just as fake as it is today.
Question posed by Nanox predecessor in November 2015 |
Nanox technology offers a way forward.
Never did.
Hot cathodes are limited in the amount of power they can put out at the low photon energy levels required for breast imaging, resulting in long exposure times (which are uncomfortable for the patient) and increased motion artifact (which degrades image quality).
Completely false. All breast x-ray imaging still uses hot cathodes, which work great.
Nanox cold cathodes are not subject to the same physical limitation; high power can be put out at low photon energy, resulting in very short exposure times.
Completely false. According to the 510(k) Summary, the Nanox tube is limited to 80W of power, while a regular mammography tube is at least 6x as powerful ( 500W to 10000W), cutting exposure time by at least 6x.
Nanox cold cathode-based 2D mammography will give our OEM partner a clear advantage over their competitors.
Nope. Nanox never got any OEM partner, contrary to its fraudulent investor presentation slides.
[2D mammography] is anticipated to be one of the first applications of our technology, because it does not require significant changes to the design of existing machines.
The same argument was made in the Nanox mammography white paper, the link to which has been removed from Nanox website since January 2021. It may yet become true, as there are have been no applications whatsoever of Nanox "technology" yet.
3D mammography (aka breast tomosynthesis) has proven to be superior to standard 2D in breast cancer detection.
Nope. Not proven yet.
It is widely accepted that 3D will become the new standard for screening mammography within the next 5 years.
Nope. More than five years passed, and it did not happen.
The way in which tomosynthesis is currently performed leaves much to be desired, and Nanox technology has the potential to improve upon every pain point of this modality. Nanox technology will keep our OEM partner at the forefront of breast imaging.
There is no potential for a fake technology, and, again, Nanox has no OEM partner.
Current state-of-the-art CT machines rely on expensive and cumbersome electronics to meet image quality goals. Nanox technology allows radical simplification of electron beam focusing, resulting in improved sampling and image quality. We anticipate that floating focal spot cathodes for use in standard contemporary moving-gantry CT machines will be one of the first applications of our technology, because our cathodes will simply serve as an upgrade for the hot cathode in existing machines.
Nope. No floating focal spot cathodes are on the horizon.
Contemporary CT machines are operating at the limits of engineering. Weighing more than 1.5 tons, and spinning at more than four rotations per second, acceleration forces are five times greater than those of a fighter jet. They require power supplies that take up an entire room, and they weigh so much that the floors under them require special reinforcement. And because CT machines are large, heavy, and immobile, even critically ill patients must be brought to the CT scanner, resulting in significant danger.
None of this is true. For example, cheap portable cone-beam CTs are used in dentistry. Some Brain CTs are quite portable and small, too.
Nanox cold cathode technology enables the “holy grail” of CT imaging: CT, with no moving parts. While this will require a large investment in new overall system configuration and detector technology, the potential cost benefits to the manufacturer are enormous. There are several potential applications, which define separate verticals.
Nope. And Nanox is not even working on any detector technology (after its predecessor claiming it did in 2013).
Radiation Therapy
External beam radiation therapy is one of the mainstays of modern cancer therapy. Linear accelerators (Linacs) create the treatment beam by accelerating electrons to near the speed of light. Nanox field effect cathode technology has the potential to improve the precision and efficiency of Linear Accelerators, which may translate to better outcomes for patients.
Nope. No potential.
Live Tomosynthesis
Tomosynthesis machines based on hot cathodes are slow and low-powered.
False. All tomosynthesis machines based on hot cathodes are faster and higher-powered than the proposed Nanox.Arc (which is not even functional yet). For example, the Arc "version" (never to be seen again) supposedly demoed at RSNA 2020 took about 45 seconds for a low-quality artifact-filled scan of a phantom hand, a record slow!
But combined with Nanox cold cathode technology, tomosynthesis can be transformed into something much more valuable: for the first time ever, low-dose, real-time, 3D imaging becomes possible. Live tomosynthesis has several different potential applications, which define separate verticals.
Nope. All this is already possible and widely available.
Interventional cardiology: Precise real-time imaging is needed to guide the accurate placement of devices such as angioplasty balloons, stents, and artificial valves into the heart. Existing angiography systems offer only live 2D imaging, or retrospective 3D imaging. Live cardiac tomosynthesis would offer clearly superior live 3D imaging.
Nope. All this has been available for years in C-arm cone-beam CT systems.
Radiotherapy guidance: The field of radiation oncology has struggled for decades to accurately target tumors that move during treatment, such as those in the lung. Combinations of prior imaging, triangulation based on surgically implanted devices, and guesswork have been developed, with limited success. A distributed source system using Nanox cold cathodes would enable real-time 3D tracking of tumors while they are being irradiated, allowing increased dose to the tumor while minimizing toxicity to surrounding tissue. This could allow the treatment of previously untreatable tumors, and improve outcomes of current protocols.
Again, nope.
Surgical guidance: Surgical guidance systems are used to help surgeons localize anatomical targets and avoid injury to adjacent normal tissue. Current systems use images taken at one point in the past, and then deform them based on live information from specialized external markers and dedicated surgical tools. These techniques are limited by the fact that they cannot account for large changes made during the surgery itself, such as the introduction of implants. The use of real-time 3D imaging to update preoperative CT imaging would ensure that the information surgeons are using is always accurate.
Again, nope. May have been true 50 years ago.
Answer given by Nanox predecessor in November 2015 |